Monday, March 30, 2009

Unanswered calls

The following day, Monday Feburary 9, 2009, I made sure that I contacted Mr Salesperson to ensure that he knew I sent him a cancellation letter. I called the sales room in the morning and asked for Mr Salesperson. I told him that I sent him an email requesting cancellation and a full refund. Mr Salesperson said that he was busy at the moment with a client and that he would call me back. I asked him when he would call back and he said in an hour and a half. I should have known better, but I let him go.

Two hours later, I call back and ask for Mr Salesperson. The person on the phone said that she can see him right now, but that he's talking with a client and that she'd take down my name and ask him to call back.

I call back later in the day and the person on the phone tells me that Mr Salesperson had left for the day. Whodathunk?

At this point, I send faxes of the cancellation letter to their US and their Mexican resorts to make sure that they received it.

I also called my credit card company that afternoon to inform them that I was disputing the charges. They told me that they would send me something in the mail so that I may provide document proof.

I also mailed a copy of the cancellation letter to the resort by certified mail.

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